Tuesday, July 5, 2011

1. Managerial Function and Process - Topical Analysis

1.      Delegation, in the ultimate analysis, is like many other managerial concepts an attitude. Discuss. (1988)
2.      Decision-making presupposes certain degree of certainty in the environment, in particular. Greater the uncertainty, therefore, lower is the validity of the decision taken. Discuss. (1988)
3.      Answer the following questions (1990)
a.       Discuss briefly different issues which arise in the process of decision-making under conditions of uncertainty.
4.      Answer the following questions
a.       Management styles in India are unrelated to the operational needs. Offer your views on the statement.
b.      Leadership is different from management. Elaborate this statement.
5.      Who are stakeholders of an organisation? What new categories are now developing? How have their stakes changed in recent years? Give names of stakeholders networks and coalitions. How can managers use them to influence stakeholders? (1991)
6.      Management of several companies in India is identified with the family names of the promoters. Do you think management styles differ from each other and ignore the basic tenets of management? (1993)
7.      Authority can be delegated but not the accountability. Comment and discuss the essentials of an effective delegation of authority. (1995)
8.      The concept of management by objectives is said to be as old as human civilization. Do you agree? During recent year several new dimensions have been added to this new concept. Throw light on these new dimensions and show how Indian managers can be benefited by this philosophy.
9.      Answer the following questions (1996)
a.       Responsible business is a part of responsible society. Discuss.
b.      A successful chief executive claims that his door is always open and that he will always meet any staff member or employee who asks to see him. Discuss this attitude and some of its more important consequences, in the light of the statement. Leadership is situational.
10.  Management control in Service Organisation (2002)
11.  Responsibility Centres for Management control
12.  Social responsibility of Business (2003)
13.  Managements concern and managements responsibility are everything that affects the performance of the institutions and its results whether inside or outside, whether under the institutions control or totally beyond it. [Peter F Drucker] In light of the above, examine how and in what manner, the tacit assumptions underlying the theory and practices of management have witnessed marked shift over the period of the last few decades (60). (2004)
14.  In view of the fast changing competitive landscape of the economy, Indian corporate have to focus on the next practices, not just be content with the best practices. [C. K. Prahlad] Comment on the above statement. Explain the major forces that reshape the basis for competition. What role can innovation play in making India globally competitive (60)? (2005)
15.  Planning is looking ahead and Controlling is looking back.
16.  Decisionmaking is a solution selected after analysing and examining several alternatives. Discuss and explain various types of managerial decisions (60).
17.  Management of risk in business
18.  Management Techniques and Management Fads (2007)
19.  State the general principles of management given by Henri Fayol. Are these principles still relevant in modern organisations? Also state the features of Taylors research that are relevant to modern manufacturing industries (60).

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