Tuesday, July 5, 2011

6. Marketing Management - Topical Analysis

1.      What is price discrimination and what are its objectives? Under what conditions would price discrimination be successful? (1988)
2.      Answer the following questions
1.      Marketing concept changes in line with the stage of development of an industry or economy but the concept at a given stage of development is the same in any industry or economy Comment.
2.      Discuss the problems and prospects of rural marketing in India. Identify the strategy followed by a few large firms in reaching the rural population in respect of any two of the following items:
1.      Kerosene
2.      Radio set
3.      Branded footwear
4.      Cosmetics
3.      Answer the following questions
1.      Discuss the relevance of market segmentation to marketing decisions. Explain the essentials of an ideal market segmentation strategy.
2.      Discuss the various socio-cultural factors that affect consumer behaviour. Give suitable examples in support of your answer.
4.      Answer the following questions
1.      What is meant by the terms Marketing Research and Marketing Information System? Discuss the benefits it; of marketing research with special reference to Indias economy.
2.      What kind of information must be collected and what decisions should he taken before one starts exporting his product?
5.      Discuss different degrees of Price Discrimination with the help of suitable diagrams (1989)
6.      Answer the following questions
1.      For each of the situations given below describe whether the market research should be exploratory, descriptive or causal:
1.      Establishing the functional relationship between advertising and sales.
2.      Investigating consumer reactions to the idea of a new laundry detergent that prevents hot water shrinkage.
3.      Identifying target-market demographies for a shopping centre.
4.      Estimating sales potential for concrete vibrators in Delhi.
2.      Distinguish between objective world and subjective world of the consumers. Which is more important to the marketing, manager and why?
7.      Answer the following questions (1990)
1.      Marketing highlights some specific areas of activities. What are these areas? Do you think these areas have any significance in India? Elaborate your answer with reference to:
1.      Government companies as against non-government companies.
2.      Capital goods as against consumer goods.
3.      Urban areas as against rural areas.
4.      Domestic as against international marketing.
2.      You have been asked to develop a marketing research design. What steps would you take in this regard?
8.      Answer the following questions
1.      What do you mean by brand Loyalty? Do you think such loyalty can be measured? What measures would you biggest for this purpose?
2.      What are the criteria for market segmentation? Also explain, why markets are segmented.
9.      Answer the following questions
1.      Critically asses the performance of the public distribution system. What steps would you suggest for improving its performance?
2.      Comment on the rapidly growing fast food market in India. What future would you suggest for such a market in India?
10.  Answer the following questions (1991)
1.      The task of marketing management in a market-oriented economy is highly complex in nature. Hence a creative approach to 4 Ps is required for the survival of the organisation. Discuss.
2.      Discuss the prospects and problems of rural marketing in India in the light of the recent developments in the economic and political scenario of the country.
11.  Answer the following questions
1.      Identify the role of every family member, in making a purchase decision for the family. Explain how this knowledge can help a marketer in marketing his products.
2.      What is meant by sales promotion? How is it different from advertising and publicity?
Comment on a sales promotion campaign you had liked the most. Give reasons.
12.  Answer the following questions
1.      For a large organisation in a competitive environment, market research should proceed and succeed by marketing functions. Do you agree? Explain.
2.      In the light of the fast changing international marketing scenario explain the role of trade associations in export promotion.
13.  Answer the following questions (1992)
1.      In the present stage of Indian Economy, the problems of Rural Marketing and those of urban Marketing are nearly converging Comment. Give illustrations.
2.      How is a Marketing Programme planned and controlled?
14.  Answer the following questions
1.      Evaluate significance of Market Information System in sales planning.
2.      As a media for advertising, Television is being widely used for goods like washing power, soap, etc. but rarely for goods like Textile fabrics, Medicines. Why is it so? Discuss.
15.  Answer the following questions
1.      Describe various incentives available to an exporter in India and discuss how far these incentives can help him. What should be his export marketing strategy in the present world economic situation?
2.      Narrate the present organisational set up of Public Distribution System in India and evaluate its wording.
16.  How is direct demand different from derived demand? How is this distinction useful for managerial decision making? (1993)
17.  Answer the following questions
1.      The role and responsibilities of marketing manager have become more challenging in the present Indian economic situation Comment.
2.      What are the considerations which a toys manufacturer should keep in mind while designing the marketing strategy for increasing the market share in rural areas?
18.  Answer the following questions
1.      How far will it be correct to say that market segments in rural areas and those in urban areas need not be similar? Illustrate your answer.
2.      Explain the significance of consumer behaviour studies in designing marketing strategy.
19.  Answer the following questions
1.      Before going in for export marketing a firm must decide its objectives and policies and collect information through environmental analysis. Do you agree? Why? If not, why not?
2.      How does advertising influence the sales of a company?
20.  Enumerate the factors which determine changes in the demand for a product. What problems are faced by a firm in estimating demand? Illustrate your answer with reference to a consumer product. (1994)
21.  Answer the following questions
1.      Marketing is the science of actualizing the buying potentials of a market for a specific product. Does this definition reflect a product, selling or marketing concept?
2.      What type of promotional strategies you would suggest if you are required to develop export markets for Ratnagiri Alphonso mangoes?
22.  The success of marketing executive depends on his ability to differentiate the product with eyes of different market segments. Comment and discuss on what basis he market for cosmetics can be segmented in India.
23.  Answer the following questions
1.      Describe the various export incentives available in the country at present. Do you support the present export policy?
2.      How does a marketing information system differ from a marketing intelligence system?
24.  What are the major forecasting methods? Give a brief description of these methods. How would you forecast the demand for television in the year 2000? What factors would influence the choice of a forecasting method? (1995)
25.  Answer the following questions
1.      Define the term marketing Does it mean something different in the context of Indian economy particularly after the process of liberalisation has commenced?
2.      How does rural marketing differ from urban marketing? Illustrate your answer taking at least three products
26.  Answer the following questions
1.      How are market segmentation targeting and positioning interrelated? Illustrate how these three concepts can be used to develop a market strategy for a product of your choice?
2.      Describe three innovative methods which marketers can use to reach their target markets in an economical way.
27.  Marketing research has traditionally been associated with manufacturers of consumer goods.
Today we are experiencing an increasing number of organizations both profit making and non profit using marketing research. Why do you think this trend exists? Give some examples.
28.  Answer the following questions (1996)
1.      Explain why a firm might want to pursue a market penetration opportunity before pursuing one involving product development or diversification.
2.      Distinguish between mass marketing and target marketing particularly in rural sector, illustrate with Indian examples.
29.  Answer the following questions
1.      Explain life style analysis. Discuss how it might be useful for planning marketing strategies to reach college students as compared with the average consumer.
2.      What is the battle of brands who do you think will win and why? Illustrate with examples.
30.  Answer the following questions
1.      What is a marketing information system and how does it differ from marketing research?
2.      In the light of our membership of the WTO, what is the role of export incentives and promotional strategies?
31.  Answer the following questions (1997)
1.      Describe the distinctive features and problems of rural market which a marketing manager must bear in mind while designing programmes for marketing
2.      What do you understand by the term Distribution channel/s? Describe the determinants of distribution channel for selling automobiles, food items and beverages.
32.  Answer the following questions
1.      Who was the buyer of our products? Who will be the buyer and who is the buyer now? Describe the source for finding answers to the questions as also usefulness of such knowledge in the area of marketing.
2.      Marketing in the case of industrial goods is only selling. Do you agree? If so, who? If not who not?
33.  Answer the following questions
1.      Discuss the problems an Indian exporter has to face these days. Are these problems peculiar to Indian situation?
2.      Give your comments on the working of Public Distribution System and discuss the effects of changes made in past few years.
34.  Explain and illustrate with suitable diagrams the pricing decisions under different market structures. (1998)
1.      Answer the following questions
1.      Importance of marketing functions varies with the category of goods produced and the character of the market. Do you agree? Justify your answer. Give appropriate examples.
2.      Discuss whether a marketing manager is free to set the price of a product?
2.      Answer the following questions
1.      One of the Engineering Companies in India well known for producing quality irrigation pumps and enjoying considerable good-will is planning for export marketing of its products. The management, however, is not fully aware of the merits gains and associated risks. Nor have they any organisational capability. Give your views in the matter and suggest how they should proceed to place their products in the export market.
2.      Is market information just another name for marketing information system? Answer the question with illustrations.
3.      Answer the following questions
1.      Sales organisation adequate for an enterprise at one time may fail to cope with the situation. Which may develop at another time Comment on the statement in the context of the Indina situation?
35.  Some organisations prefer independent advertising departments and decentralised sales activities while some others prefer just the opposite. Why? Which will you advocate and when?
36.  Answer the following questions (1999)
1.      How is a market strategy evolved for launching a product in domestic market?
2.      What precautions are essential for such a launching for export marketing operations?
37.  Answer the following questions
1.      Critically evaluate the different marketing research models and explain which model in your opinion is considered to be the best.
2.      What is a Marketing Information System and how has the advancement in Information Technology affected the Marketing Information Systems?
38.  What is cost-plus pricing method? Critically examine its utility in the case of public sector enterprises. (2000)
39.  Marketing goes beyond selling
40.  Advertising reduces consumers concern for price
41.  Exploratory marketing research for formulation of hypothesis
42.  Explain the functions of Marketing Information System. What steps should be taken by an enterprise engaged in business of fast moving consumer goods (FMCG) to have continuous two-way flow of marketing information?
43.  Planning and strategies for meeting, the challenges from competitors in the context of domestic marketing and export marketing have to be: To a great extent, similar because of increasing globalization. Evaluate the statement with the help of some examples.
44.  Concept of Social Marketing
45.  Ethics in Marketing
46.  Top management of a large multiline firm is giving serious consideration to buying a smaller company that manufactures a wide range of food products. This would be an entirely new line for the larger corporation. Develop a marketing research proposal that would cover the important questions raised about the potential company that may be acquired (60).
47.  Cost plus Pricing Method and its utility (2002)
48.  Product name and Brand name
49.  Demarketing and Remarketing
50.  Suggest a suitable methodology for overseas market research for an Indian company manufacturing and marketing herbal medicine. Channel selection, role of intermediaries, export pricing and risk management are the major objectives of the proposed research (60).
51.  Social marketing (2003)
52.  New Product Pricing Strategies
53.  Brand Equity (2004)
54.  Discriminatory Pricing
55.  Discuss briefly the specific objectives of Qualitative and Quantitative Market Analysis. Select advertisements on TV of two different Small Savings Schemes, and identify the specific differences in effecting investors choice (60).
56.  Services Marketing (2005)
57.  Marketing Research is an ancillary service that allows Management to manufacture with a better idea of what can be sold or how much can be sold, and how to combine the various tools of selling, minimising costs. Comment on this statement and analyse the various objectives of Marketing Research (60).
58.  Overseas Market Research (2006)
59.  Ethics in marketing
60.  It is said Selling makes the world go around Comment on this statement while discussing the role of sales-force. Taking the example of fast food industry, trace out the role of sales manager (60).
61.  There is hardly any difference in the methods of determining price in domestic market and overseas market. Discuss this statement by taking suitable examples (60).
62.  International Buying
63.  Discuss the various methods of forecasting. What are the precautions that you would like to take to ensure that the forecast is realistically achievable? What approach would you like to recommend for resource allocation to support the activities to achieve the performance target (60)? (2007)
64.  Social Marketing
65.  Brand Loyalty
66.  Define total product concept. What are the possible changes which could be brought out in Product-Mix? Discuss the strategies that suit to different phases of product life cycle (60).
67.  The future of International Marketing belongs to India. Discuss this statement in view of your understanding of trends in international marketing environment and the emergence of new markets (60).

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